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My Online Diary ?
It's Missya
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Thursday, December 22, 201111:46 am

Hehe >.< . Mesty kowg t'tnya2 pic ape nie an an an ! This is my  CITYVILLE  . one of game that i play on facebook . but lately , this game make me  pissed off  , $@%#^%^$%&$ ! . because because because game nie banyak sngt error nye ! iiissshhh . Campaikan goal yg nak d'completekan pon da melampau2 . even though aq mare . but still continue play it . hhmm :'( . nk remove  SAYANG . xtaw nk buat ape daa  skrg nie . mybe aq akn still play dis game until it reached level 100 . that is  my mission  . hehehehe. funny an . pape pon. I  LOVE  MY  CITY ! 
                                                                                                                                      xoxo ,